For Spouses
Losses are difficult for both parents. Connect with and support other spouses.
Peter's Story
When my wife first told me she was having some spotting during the pregnancy, I didn’t really think much of it because everything had gone so well with our first pregnancy. Then one night as I walked in to the bathroom to check on our daughter, I walked in right after my wife had passed something and after looking at her face I knew that our worst fears had come true. After the initial shock wore off that night the roller coaster of emotions began. I guess I would best explain it as a combination of anger, sadness, and confusion. I also knew that I had to be there for my wife as she was going through not only emotional sadness, but also the physical side of the miscarriage. The hard part was that we had told a lot of people that we were pregnant and we didn’t really announce that we had a miscarriage, so we would gradually have to bring it back up when people would ask how the pregnancy was going. A lot of people just kind of shrug it off and tell you that things just weren’t right or something along those lines. But I feel like as soon as you find out you’re pregnant that they are already a part of your family. You start to think of how far apart your kids will be and how old you will be when they graduate high school and things like that. Then after a few months had passed by my wife surprised me with a positive pregnancy test. To be honest I really wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon and I was way more worried than excited like the last time she had told me she was pregnant. Our third pregnancy went very well, but there was always a little bit of worry throughout the whole process. In April of 2017 God blessed us with a healthy baby boy. I believe that after our miscarriage I was able to cherish the time with our children even more and remember what a true blessing they are.