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Learn how some things you say and do can have a big impact on supporting someone you know going through a miscarriage. We want the people we know and love to know we are there for them. These are some helpful things from women who have experienced miscarriages and how they did and didn’t feel supported


  • Check in and let them know you are there.

  • Say something like ``I am sorry is there anything I can do for you?``

  • Listen instead of talk.

  • Acknowledging no matter how far along there was still a baby and the person had plans and dreams for the baby.

  • Make a meal for them.

  • Cry with them.

  • Love them.


  • Say "Everything happens for a reason" or `"It wasn't meant to be".

Though we might sincerely believe everything happens for a reason, it hurts a lot more when we have someone tell us that our child died for a reason we cannot foresee yet. The same way we feel about “it wasn’t meant to be”.

  • Say "It wasn't a baby anyway".

It wasn’t a baby anyway is a very hurtful thing to say. From the moment you find out you are pregnant you have plans for your child. You envision a future for them and what things could be.

  • Say "Get over it".

When you say get over it, you are letting us know we are not allowed to mourn and have our feelings.

  • Say "It's ok you can try for another".

When you say “you can try for another” it makes it sounds like you’re discluding (use of word wrong) the child we had.

  • Say "Be grateful you have healthy kids already".

When you say be grateful you have healthy kids it doesn’t mean we are not grateful. It is probably the thing that is keeping us going and we are happy that we have healthy kids. But it doesn’t mean we can’t be sad about the one we lost. It doesn’t mean we will shut out or not realize there will be one in our lives that is missing.

  • Force the person to talk about it when they aren't ready.

Sometimes it will take a little time for people to be ready. It depends on the person and trying to force them can push them away more.

  • Say "You're young you don't need to have a baby right now".

It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, there is still a loss of a child and someone who was supposed to be around. Miscarriage and loss does not discriminate.

  • Make inappropriate jokes to lighten up the mood or try and cheer them or say something like  'look on the bright side".

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This site is dedicated to our child we lost April 13, 2016. You inspired me to help others and see the world in a new way. I will always love you and miss you. To my husband and kids for their support and encouragement. Thank you for making my dreams to support and help others a reality.

- Amber

We Miscarried Organization is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
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